Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Creche Service in Doubt for 2014

Hastings Half Marathon Press Release 16th December 2013


With the sudden closure of the ABC Family Nursery, the organisers of the 
Hastings Half Marathon are not sure whether they will be able to continue 
offering a creche service for runners on race day.

Since starting the creche service offered by ABC Family Nursery, the numbers 
using this free service have grown steadily, and parents have been very 
pleased with the service run by the nursery. McDonalds have also supplied 
free lunch for everyone.

Unless the Hastings Lions Club, organisers of the Half Marathon, can find a 
replacement creche for the Sunday, in the area of St. Leonards, then they 
will not be able to offer this facility for the 2014 event on Sunday 23rd 
However, if a creche facility would like to be involved and offer their 
services, they should contact as soon as 
possible before printwork is produced giving details to runners. This 
deadline would be by middle of January.

The Lions Club would like to say a Big Thankyou to ABC Family Nursery for 
the ten years of providing this excellent service for parents and entrants.

As entries continue to grow ahead of normal, entrants should enter as soon 
as possible at

Eric Hardwick M.B.E.  Race Director.

Hastings Half Marathon

Organised by Hastings Lions Club.
Proud and Honoured to have Carried The Olympic Torch at Hastings on 17th 
July 2012
30th Hastings Half Marathon on the 23rd March 2014.
Also Hosting the Sussex Athletics Half Marathon Championships
Enter now at Visit

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