Friday, October 12, 2012


Keep that Feel Good Olympic Feeling!

Following our most Fantastic Summer of Sport, and especially the Olympic and 
Paralympic Games, now is the time to keep that 'Feel Good Factor' going by 
aiming to take part in the popular Hastings Half Marathon on Sunday 24th 
March 2013.

We have all seen what can be achieved, so now is a good time to start 
getting fit for next March, and the first step is to enter The Event, and 
have a target or Goal to aim for.

Entry forms are NOW available at most Sports Centres and Shops, and in the 
Hastings Area  also at Hastings Observer Offices, Hastings Town Information 

Scollays and Premier Travel Chauffeurs on the Ridge. Also at St.Leonards 

You can also enter 'online' by going to the official web site

The Event organised by the Lions Club of Hastings for the 29th year, is open 
to ALL abilities, aged from 17 upwards, and will also be hosting the Sussex 
Half Marathon Championships for 2013.

The Event can be used as a springboard by any needy cause or Charity, to 
raise funds,  and ALL monies raised by The Event  by the Lions Club, goes 
back into The Community.

There are categories for Business Teams, Sports Teams, Pub Teams, Club 
Teams, Charity Teams, families and Husband and Wives, and awards in age 
categories, and even a Fancy Dress Award.

Already it has been mentioned for a number of runners to be taking part to 
raise funds for the William Parker Track Appeal, as well as increasing the 
awarement of everyone to support this basic Athletic Track Appeal, which is 
essential for the future of Athletics in Hastings. Get behind this Appeal 
now by committing to 'Run for the Track', and make  a Big Statement to all 

We would also like to see more disabled Athletes taking part to follow the 
very successful Paralympics. But please let us know who you are when 

There will also be the 23rd Running of the SAGA sponsored Mini-Run for 
youngsters aged 11-16. A great chance to be part of a Major Event, and raise 
money for a cause.

An Event Not to be Missed. Enter now at
Also Hosting the Sussex Athletics Half Marathon Championships

Eric Hardwick M.B.E.

Race Director.

Hastings Lions Club.

Olympic Torch Bearer.

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